MsConceptions is a platform tribute to women everywhere, who are ready to dismantle the expectations and standards that society has held us to for far too long
This Week’s Blog Post
Why do we vote
If you don’t live your life as a mute you wouldn’t just be quiet if you knew something needed to change right? So why is it that we shun those who choose to utilize the very thing our ancestors fought for us to have? We have to stop allowing our emotions keep us from seeing the bigger picture. Look beyond what we “feel” for the moment and realize that we have power and it is time that we utilize that power.
This Month’s Featured Truth Wear
Make Marriage Popular
Enjoy your Truth Wear for the month of May!
Classic MsConceptions Tee
MsConceptions Truth Tee-The Original
Misconception- A view or opinion that is incorrect based on faulty thinking or understanding.