Bound By Man
Quarantined and my family must have structure. My husband must need my attention, I’ve got to do this right! No you don’t- not every time. You must allow your self time to put your shoulders down, you’re carrying a lot. Taking time to appreciate yourself will make your family appreciate you more.

Where there’s no vision the people perish. We know this, but why is this a hard thing to do in life? Bringing two people together from two separate worlds can be hard work.

Realizing your spouse is your teammate not your enemy
What good is a team when the players are working against each other? Fighting and working together are important factors for any team and that includes the marriage team.

Figuring out your balance is important. Marriage is a beautiful thing, but just like everything else in life it requires balance.

Why do we vote
If you don’t live your life as a mute you wouldn’t just be quiet if you knew something needed to change right? So why is it that we shun those who choose to utilize the very thing our ancestors fought for us to have? We have to stop allowing our emotions keep us from seeing the bigger picture. Look beyond what we “feel” for the moment and realize that we have power and it is time that we utilize that power.

Why we as a people owe it to ourselves to do our own spiritual healing
How important is it for you to ground yourself in your own spiritual journey? Connecting with whatever higher power it is you believe keeps your soul from experiencing intrusive thoughts, ideas and behaviors. Tapping into our highest powers is ultimately up to us.

Dance because they told us not to
Take a trip down African History with me for a moment. If dancing is a sin then why did God give us the ability to do so? We have to start highlighting the gifts we have and allow our creative juices to flow.

Missing a Loved One This Holiday Season
There’s never the best answer regarding how you feel when you miss someone that’s no longer here with us. There’s solace in knowing that your emotions are valid, but not forever. Emotions are forever changing. Do what helps you find your peace.

It’s Amazing What a Little Focus Can Do
What’s something that you need to do that your future self will thank you for? Do it. Mental health is not a compromise. It’s a necessity- do what you need to get your mental clarity.

Breast Cancer Won’t Win Again
Your body speaks to you way before it goes into a state of needing care. Listen to it. Care for it. Nurture it. You only get one. Breast Cancer won’t keep winning, because we will keep fighting and raising awareness.

Self Body Shaming Can Lead to Depression
Before you can be physically fit you have to want it mentally. When is the last time you checked your mental health? When your desire to be physically and mentally healthy align you have your head start to your life changing.

Our NICU Journey
Did you know that September is NICU Awareness Month? Every pregnancy journey is different, and some of us mamas have little ones who come out fighting from day one. What’s your NICU experience?

Married to a Big Black Man
When hate fuels the hearts of the very people that were sworn to protect their communities, it should fuel you to speak up and speak out. A tribute to my husband, George Floyd and all men who are at risk of the hate in society’s heart. I love you. I value you. I honor you. I respect you. #ourmenmatter

Dear Mommy
How much time will you use to get to the amount of freedom you desire?

Dead ends
What are you willing to let go of? Aren’t you ready for the next level? Split ends leave you with making a split decision.

Impostor in Your Own Home, but You Deserve Grace and So Much More
You may not equate to worthiness of your blessings, but you are worth it. Behold the thing that gets us over, grace.

I Was Made for This
As Pastor Todd stated ”Rip Up Your List” let go of false imagery and remember your purpose you were made for.

She’s Too Pretty to be Smart
Beauty does not possess the intellect of a person, it can be a stigma to see oneself for who they genuinely are.

Whatever It Takes
During this time we want to show off our best side of how we’re handling COVID-19 stay at home orders. The Gag is, things may not be as pint up as they seem be. Just be you.

Bound by Man
Quarantined and my family must have structure. My husband must need my attention, I’ve got to do this right! No you don’t- not every time. You must allow yourself time to put your shoulders down, you’re carrying a lot. Taking time to appreciate yourself will make your family appreciate you more.

Mama Needs a Do Over
God holds you even when you feel like you’re not strong in your faith. It’s very challenging to see the light at the end of the road. You feel as though you’re not putting out enough, but really you’re doing just fine. Take some time to unwind for you.

Whatever It Takes
During this time we want to show off our best side of how we’re handling COVID-19 stay at home orders. The Gag is, things may not be as pint up as they seem be. Just be you.
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Where there’s no vision the people perish. We know this, but why is this a hard thing to do in life? Bringing two people together from two separate worlds can be hard work.