A Young Black Woman In Corporate America
Getting a seat at the table can be difficult if the token position has already been filled. Have you ever been hired for a new job and your first day you realize that you are the only woman or the only black woman on the team? Once you’ve realized that you are, have you ever started to second guess if it was your bomb a— credentials or just the color of your skin that got you in the door? Yeah, that’s been me for the last 8 years. I can’t believe I just said 8 years! Maybe I should take “Young” out of the title.
I was blessed to be one of the few to go straight into my field after graduating from college. I am a UX Architect/Designer in the male dominant world of IT. Usually, I am the youngest person on my team as well. Boom! Adding “Young” back to the title! With that being said, I’ve heard all kinds of things. My favorite is “ I’m old enough to be your mom/dad.” Newsflash, you’re not. I believe some of these statements are sometimes indicators of people preparing to view me as below them and/or viewing me as not their equal. Being a YOUNG BLACK WOMAN are three negatives working against me as soon as I walk through the door. Knowing this, I had to change the narrative by understanding my circumstance, but shifting my mindset. Do I still feel the pressures of being exactly who I was born into this world to be? Yes. Would I change it if I could? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I love being a Black Woman, and if being me makes you uncomfortable, then that’s a YOU problem.
The biggest shock to me in my entire career was experienced while working with another Black Woman. Needless to say, she tried to block my growth; like “ Sis, why can’t we just work together to get to the top?” I let that one instance shape what I thought my career would be like. Until one day that same person pulled my last straw and I became the stereotyped ANGRY BLACK WOMAN. From that moment on, I knew it was up to me to choose to succeed no matter what.
Watching male counterparts with less experience get opportunities to lead projects and awarded promotions before I was even considered and other women telling me maybe I should just go with flow just wasn’t cutting it for me. I learned the power of networking and creating my own seat at the table. Then God showed me that he’ll have my name in rooms that I hadn’t even stepped foot in. YET! The bible says in Matthew 25:23 ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master!’ , because I didn’t give up and allow my circumstances to define my career, God has favored me with opportunities to work for multiple Fortune 500 companies as a constant advocate of good user experience. I’ve worked on some cool projects and even gained knowledge to be the CEO & Founder of my own brand in the process. Whether I was the token black woman or my credentials got me in the door or even both, I had to seize the opportunity.
Moral of the story, the circumstances that come with who you are don’t always get erased. You have to choose to make it work for you or let them work against you. Being a Young Black Woman and all that it entails has not changed for me and admittedly some days are hard, but ain’t nobody going harder for me than me. So if you’re a Black Woman in Corporate America, don’t stop speaking up! Don’t stop, not taking no for an answer! Don’t dim your light for anyone! Keep sprinkling your black girl magic and I’ll see you at the top sis!