Life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react.
One morning I woke up at the time I should be leaving my house for work.
My attitude: oh well I needed the sleep I’ll get there when I get there.
I then received a text from my boss stating we were opening at 11:00am due to the weather (it’s just raining).
I couldn’t change the fact that I woke up late and still had an hour commute.
I changed how I reacted. I could’ve got up, checked the time,
got pissed, got anxious and started rushing…
Not checking my phone again till I’m on my way out the door and got even more pissed
And potentially messing up my day.
No, I didn’t make it rain due to my calm nature.
I chose not to let what I couldn’t control..control me.
We are constantly writing our narrative by what we say, think and how we react.
A year ago many people said they wanted to be in a better place.
People start showing you who they really were.
You reacted with confusion, depression and questioned yourself.
Instead of being thankful for what they taught you and let them go.
Many people state they are tired of being the go to for people they can’t go to.
You reacted by letting them still come to you. You can only be drained if you give people straws.
And you've been putting off the time to spend with someone who builds you up.
Whatever you put out you receive.
Stop telling the world that you like being used by what you allow.
Many stated they wanted to be in a higher position.
Yet reacted with not giving time for self, not scheduling, having bad reactions to the aforementioned.
The good thing about your narrative is that you are the author and you can rewrite at any time.
Rewrite today! Life can all be so simple we choose to make it hard.