New Steps
It’s the silence you hear when you feel no one is listening. The face(s) you look at in the mirror as you see your tears glistening. It’s that large cup of wine, to feel released, relieved, or even relaxed, but deep down inside, you know it doesn’t hold all the facts. The loneliness you feel, because you think you have no friends, It’s those lies your anxiety, depression, bipolar tell you, to make you think it’s the end.

Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is something you can get through. You have to really be intentional about your strategies and recognize your changes in your mental health so that you can pull yourself out of the unwarranted hole called depression.

Surgery Take Two
We’ve all been there before, at the doctor’s office at an annual visit and being asked the number one question, “What’s going on?” Immediately, thoughts start to overwhelm you and you shutdown without being able to get out a word, so instead your response is everything’s okay, until it’s not. Your body deserves to be taken care of and listened to. Take notes prior to your appointment with all the topics you’d like to talk about.

Can We Be Real Right Now?
Life is not figured out in a day or two. It is forever changing and the idea is to handle it one day at a time. Moment by moment with the intent to be your very best self that you can be.

Benefits of Meditation in Every Season
Meditation? Yoga? Can these really be of benefit when I’m feeling stressed, sad or in some cases depressed? The answer is yes. Meditation is a practice of connecting with yourself by connecting with your breath. Learn meditation practices and to do’s with Namaste J. Click the button below.

Taking Control Over Your Emotions
Recognizing emotional triggers keep us from going into a stressful and sometimes depressing hole. Triggers are things that we can identify that gets us out of our sense of peace. Know yours, and choose to not allow them to take over your mental peace.

Fitness was More About Self- Discovery
Life is about balance. Even during some of the trying seasons of our lives we have to find and figure out our balance. Embrace the next woman you see, because you don’t know how you’ll change her story.

Even a Therapist Needs a Therapist
2020 Is trying to take us out isn’t it? From Global Pandemic to outside being canceled, it’s safe to say that we all need a little Mental Health clarity. There’s hope for you. Don’t let the season change drag you into a hole of depression.